Pres. Biden is determined to make “MAGA Republicans” a common term of derision. When he first rolled out this phrase in a primetime, campaign speech taxpayer-funded speech at Independence Hall, many conservatives were offended, feeling attacked.
But the backlash didn’t stop him. He went right into Labor Day with the same rhetoric. You can be sure Biden got the term “MAGA Republicans” from high-priced pollsters and the divisive message will continue through the midterms.

Democrat politics
Biden’s political consultants would have tested the “MAGA Republicans” phrase and found it an effective message to move voters in order to keep the House and Senate in Democrat control.
That means targeting certain Americans and tying them to Pres. Donald Trump appeals to certain people. That’s why Biden said on Monday in Milwaukee:
Those of you in this country — Democrats, Republicans — and mainstream Republicans and independents — we have to be stronger and more determined and more committed to saving American democracy than the MAGA Republicans and that guy walking out the door destroying democracy because democracy is at stake.
It’s also an elitist dividing line. Democrats have done this in previous campaigns.
Hillary Clinton said in a 2016 campaign speech that “half of Trump’s supporters” go into “what I call the basket of deplorables.” Barack Obama in 2008 referred to small-town midwest voters as “bitter, they cling to guns or religion.”
Biden’s 2022 version is:
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Who are the MAGA Republicans?
The president keeps saying in his speeches that “not every Republican is a MAGA Republican.” How do you know if you’re one of Biden’s likable “mainstream Republicans” or a “MAGA Republican” who is a “destroying American democracy”?
Biden has said MAGA Republicans have these characteristics:
do not respect the Constitution
determined to take this country backwards… where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love
thrive on chaos
committed to ... destroying American democracy
spread fear and lies