Demi Lovato pronouns are 'Really Don't Care'
Media covers singer's publicity stunt for new album as actual news
Demi Lovato is a popular, almost 30-year-old, female singer with a new album to promote. She/Her or They/Them (meaning her PR team) came up with a clever way to get media attention by announcing that she has changed her pronouns. Again. The stunt worked very well.
But to quote her song that is on my Spotify running playlist: “Really Don’t Care.”
Lovato has 138 million followers on Instagram where she now put the four pronouns you can use to talk about her: they/them/she/her.
Almost every media outet wrote a story in the past day about Lovato— who is a woman — saying that she wants to again be referred to as she/her.
This is newsworthy only because she had previously made news by saying she wants to be referred to as “they/them.”
She does not have multiple personality disorder.
She is not a conjoined twin.
She is just one woman who said, “I identifiy as nonbinary” in this video to her 54 million Twitter followers:
She said she was “officially” changing her pronouns to “they/them” because those best describe her “fluidity”, which had come as a “revelation” to her recently.
There is no government agency or court where you can “officially” change your pronouns. You can, however, officially change your name for a publicity stunt. The most well known is singer Kanye West had a California court officially change his name to “Ye”.
Back to Lovato, to understand the current pronoun change, we need to know what is “nonbinary.”
This is why you need me, an investigative reporter, on this important story. [Note the sarcasm.]
I went to the GLAAD website, which has a handy media reference guide for all these new terms we’re hearing. (I always wrote that GLAAD stood for Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, but aparently that changed at some point and now doesn’t stand for anything. It describes itself as “GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance.”)
Anway, GLAAD defines what Lovato calls herself as:
Nonbinary is a word used by people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the binary gender categories of "man" and "woman."
As a woman who has written previously that I refuse to go along with the woke mob and pretend that anyone would not know that I’m female, I think this Lovato “news” is ridiculous.
She made this pronoun annoucement on the “Spout Podcast.” I didn’t listen to it. You can’t make me.
Instead I looked up the transcribed remarks on CNN’s story about it, which says:
they've "been feeling more feminine" recently and adopted their former pronouns.
“They” in the CNN story refers to one person, Lovato. Remember when CNN was a legit news source for breaking and international news?
I checked the Fox News story to be sure the quote was accurate. Fox refers to her as “she” or just “Lovato” and reports that the reason the singer changed her pronouns again is:
"Recently I've been feeling more feminine, so I've adopted she/her again."
See the difference in how Fox and CNN wrote that same line from the podcast?
But it really shouldn’t be a political partisan divide on referring to a woman as “she.”
If you called me “him” or “they”, I wouldn’t know you were referring to me. Back when I first took a stand on pronouns,