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San Francisco fires second female firefighter for vaccine mandate (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Jessica Beers says at trial: "Let's go Brandon"

I am the only reporter covering these firefighters on trial in San Francisco for the vaccine mandate. You can support my work with a paid subscription here:

In the exclusive trial video above, Jessica Beers is on the top row, second from the right. In the box next to her is Katherine Feinstein, the fire commission’s president and daughter of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Fire Chief Jeanine Nicholson is bottom row, left.



Jessica Beers, 30, has loved being a firefighter for the past 11 years. But she lost her job at the San Francisco Fire Department last week because she did not get a COVID vaccine. Beers ended her defense at trial by saying,  “Let’s go Brandon.” 

CATCH UP on my series about the unvaccianted San Francisco firefighters from when their chief got COVID here and when they were put in a cattle call for booster shots here.

Read about Sarah Skammel, the first female San Fran firefighter terminated, here. 

Jessica Beers, bottom right, in her “Let’s Go Brandon” T-shirt

I asked Beers about her “Let’s go Brandon” black t-shirt. She said she wore it to point blame at Pres. Joe Biden for starting the vaccine mandates.

(Her camo cap says “Vebbs Leather Company” which is owned by her friend, who is also a firefighter.) 

Beers testified in her defense before the San Francisco Fire Commission that the vaccine has “documented major side effects.” She said the city mandate (uploaded at the bottom) forces getting a vaccine that “cannot even provide total protection and prevent the spread or contraction of COVID 19” but is still firing its firefighters for being a “public threat” because they are unvaccinated.

Jessica Beers (above) promoted on the San Francisco Fire Department Twitter account

Beers was with San Franciso Fire Department since 2017. Just a year ago, the San Francisco Fire Deparment honored Beers for Women’s history month (see above.) She was also a firefighter for Cal Fire, the U.S. Forest Service and a volunteer and paid call with Shasta County Fire Department. She told me it’s “horrible to lose it all now.”

Beers, who goes by Jess, doesn’t know what she is going to do next. She isn’t part of the lawsuits against the city. Beers told me that other counties in California let their firefighters work without a vaccine, so she might try those places. She said she is just trying to take this all one day at a time. And she wants the politicians who ruined her career to hear her say, “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Beers, right, at work

San Francisco’s Vaccine Mandate Firing Spree

Even though the pandemic is seemingly over, San Francisco is on a firing spree with its Fire Commission trials. But it’s all being kept secret from the public.

I’ve repeatedly asked San Franciso Mayor London Breed’s  Department of Human Resources spokesman (contact in sources) for the public information on how many firefighters have been terminated and how many are in line for these trials. I just keep getting the runaround.

The videos I’m posting of the Fire Department Commission trials are supposed to be posted online for the public, but the city just doesn’t do it.

These public officials are not being held accountable for their enforcement of a COVID vaccine mandate against the firefighters because the public doesn’t know about it.

(And seemingly the liberal media in San Francisco is deliberately ignoring it. Go google the story, you won’t find anything.)

The only way these firefighters have a chance for fairness and to get back their jobs is for people to raise awareness to force the politicians to use the science of COVID and not the virtue signaling of a pointless vaccine mandate.

Beers (left) at work


FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMISSION PRESIDENT FEINSTEIN:  All right, Firefighter Beers, please proceed. 

FIREFIGHTER JESSICA BEERS:  Okay. I'm gonna keep this rather short and to the point. After all the research studies, trials and real-time data, I could throw pages and pages of facts on the table. I could spend hours and hours trying to convince the Commission of the proven and documented major side effects possible… 

FEINSTEIN: I'm sorry. Firefighter Beers. I, I don't mean to interrupt you, but we do have a court reporter who is taking down your words on, you know, a, a reporting machine. And I need, need you to slow down a little bit because otherwise she, she can't do that. So if you just could go a little slower, that would be much appreciated.

BEERS: I could spend hours and hours trying to convince the Commission of the proven and documented major side effects possible, the countless, sudden,  unexplained deaths in young, healthy individuals after receiving these so-called vaccines. 

I could show you case after case of breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated and boosted individuals. 

I could pull up the amount of times the CDC and other reliable, trusted sources have changed, deleted and adjusted their tunes and wording to fit narratives and push agendas for the so-called FDA approved vaccine.

A vaccine now so devastating and detrimental to a lot of us in our careers and livelihoods – that we are currently being forced out of – yet, it cannot even provide total protection and prevent the spread or contraction of COVID 19. 

Yet, in this case, we are still being fired for being a “public threat,” being unvaccinated.  

Being a Christian my whole life, growing up in small private Christian schools during the week and church every Sunday, I never once had to prove my faith or Christianity to anyone but God.  I never once had ask for permission or an exemption or an excuse to have faith and practice my religion. And I'm sure not gonna do it now. 

The swamp known as the San Francisco Fire Commission will not dictate or give me permission to practice my religion how they see fit, nor does it get to decide what I do and do not put into my body. Those are my God-given, American rights that I proudly in stand true by and are also stamped and stated in the Constitution on which our very country was founded on and has thrived for so many years. 

As tough as this whole process – or lack thereof – has been, at the end of the day, I answer to no one, but my God. So at this point, I'm not gonna waste any more time. I'm sure the Commission will have to deliberate to do, and someone will get in touch with me afterward.

So I'm just going to wrap up my statement by being sure to point out the one who created and made this whole mess possible. And in case you can't read my shirt, “Let’s go Brandon.” 

FEINSTEIN: Okay. Is there a rebuttal from the city? 

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