Senate votes to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, and sunny days are here again
Sunshine Protection Act gets bipartisan votes, now goes to House
The U.S. Senate just voted unanimously (yep, they all agreed!) to keep our watches set on the sunny Daylight Saving Time.

The bill called “Sunshine Protection Act” is probably the most popular measure that will be taken in Washington this year.
The bill — uploaded in sources below— was co-sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rick Scott (R-FL), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and others.
It will now go to the House for a vote. As I tweeted below, I think anyone in the house who votes against the bill should be immediately expelled. Maybe he/she should be charged with treason. Losing on election day is not bad enough punishment for keeping us from an hour of sunshine.

If the House goes along with the Senate on this common-sense plan, Pres. Biden will get the final word. If he was smart, he would sign it before Election Day. It’s the one thing we can all get behind— more sunshine.

After two years of pandemic anxiety, lockdowns, masks, and misery, we need a boost with more light.

Every six months, we all complain about Daylight Saving Time. In the spring, we wreck our internal clocks and have to reset our analog clocks. In the fall, we have to dread a winter of dark and doom.

I love the sun and spend time outside every day - mostly running— but if not then a walk without sunglasses, so I can get my vitamin D.
Keeping to the better time makes sense for efficiency, physical health and mental health.

I know I wrote a story about this a long time ago and interviewed then-Congressman Ben Quayle from Arizona (the former VP’s son.) I can’t find my story online, but here’s a tweet about it in 2011.

I’ve had a lot of opinions on Daylight Saving over the years— as you can see from my tweets in this story. Look at this tweet from 2012:

Even Steve Case agreed with me back in 2010:

The only downside to this DST victory in DC is that I might not be able to grammar police people every six months for wrongly calling this concept “Daylight SavingS Time. (It’s not plural!)
I made this meme — below— and put it on social media twice a year. Feel free to screen cap or download and share it because very soon — hopefully — this will just say “TIME.”