Emily, I can’t believe you remember all the dialogue — I don’t know if that says more about me or you, I barely remember anything, let alone dialogue. LOL

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You may enjoy this story about the time I met Tom Brady https://www.emilypostnews.com/p/that-time-i-asked-tom-brady-why-he

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Hi Kathleen, I've told these stories so many times over the years that it stuck in my mind. But also I went back and found emails I sent after the date at the time, which had a lot of the dialogue in them. I'm just naturally a story teller.

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You are a great storyteller

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Thank you! My stories go on too long and this is one of the rare times that it’s worth it.

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I just watched ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ recently on TCM and Hemingway had great details/dialogue

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I'm honored to be even in the same sentence as Hemingway. I'll look up the movie to watch. I only read the book too young to appreciate it.

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Knowing the details like the dialogue makes for a great story

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This report confirms that Matthew had assistant (s) like you said in your story


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I linked in my story to the original report (TMZ) that was exclusive so if it's wrong, we know where it originated. https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/29/matthew-perry-home-no-illegal-drugs-prescriptions-found-jacuzzi-death-dies-drown/

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Some folks are great at Math. Others are great at World History. I have a feeling that Emily is great at REMEMBERING words. And you are correct, Emily is a FABULOUS story teller. When I do my Security Reports for work, I can usually remember the conversation I had with someone. . .especially if they threatened me or I had to call the Police.

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I’m beginning to think /feel that most of the folks I have conversations with their words aren’t worth remembering.

I need to roll in a better crowd, like Emily. LOL

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When someone says something to me, I put it through the filter test:

"Will this go to Court because they just said they are going to blah blah me up" or is this person genuinely treating me how I would want to be treated. Finding quality friends takes time and patience. I choose each day if I see this person as a friend or as co-worker or a criminal perp who I am not going to turn my back on ! You'll find some great friends Kathleen !

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Yes, I’ve had to change my standards/mature

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I think we all have at one time or another changed our standards and matured. In Jr. High and HS, the clics were the Jerks, errrr, I mean the Varsity Jocks; the players (serial daters); the drug and alcohol abusers or the ones with the brains. I didn't hand around any of them because I didn't fit in. I learned to be content with who I was and what I believed in: hard work, integrity and standing up to the bully's.

Years later, I called the WH and asked them what their requirements were to be able to take photo's of the POTUS. They sent me a form of which I promptly returned and I got to not only take photo's of both Bushes, but to ask them both a few questions. WHY ? I have ZERO criminal history. Yes, this was a dream come true.

Now when I go, I know their "protocol". Arrive early to get the best line of site for taking photos; Talk to the Secret Service Agents and THANK them and respect them; and Ask them questions if you can or cannot move around. One last tip: NEVER say your are "freelance" but an Independent Writer/Photographer.

An Employer a few years ago told me I lead a boring life because I've never done street drugs, been drunk; nor accused, charged or arrested for any crime. What are your goals and dreams ? Go for it Kathleen !

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Also, I probably wasn’t a good listener in my youth . I’m a good listener now — I listen to my radio guests and my callers .

And I really don’t remember what my dates have said — isn’t that horrible. LOL

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The only famous person, I sorta dated — and it wasn’t a date per se, but a hanging out with , was Eldridge Cleaver when I was in law school in Berkeley— I can’t recall anything he said— not one thing. LOL

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I subscribed to Emily’s news/post because I do a local radio show in Los Angeles and I wanted to share her scoop on the Alec Baldwin scandal with my listeners.

Remembering the details of conversations , I was referring to my personal relationships. The only conversations I remember, where those with my dad . Or , rather, I remember things he told me.

I don’t remember any conversations with friends or dates and I think because those conversations were meaningless or uneventful. I’m going to find a new group of folks to roll with.

My radio show is a political show, however, I do retell personal bits, here and there.

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"I took his credit card" made me laugh when I read it yesterday, & again today hearing you say it. 😂 You did an excellent job reading this--I wouldn't know you had a head cold if you hadn't said it.

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I'm so glad. I just refused to pay for his Tums!

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I love audio.

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It was actually so easy and didn't take much time at all. Please let me know specifics on how I can improve this feature and make it more professional.

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Honestly, the 90% solution is hold up/prop up the bottom of your iPhone near your mouth and use the Voice Memos app. Getting the next 10% requires more a better room--like in your closet surrounded by lots of clothes--rather than a better mic.

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Thank you so much for helping me again with my technology. I use the big blue mic but I’ll do iphone next time. I don’t have a walk in closet. I don’t have any room that doesn’t have a window except the bathroom which would echo. So we’ll have to stick to 90%!

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Big blue mic is fine. You could get something like this and build a cube around the mic, with one side open towards yourself, and 5 sides closed, with the wire for the mic going out the back. Then talk into this cube. Silly looking but excellent audio results if you don't have a walk-in closet.


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I am really into this idea because I have open space to build it but what would hold up the cube pieces?

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Duct tape? You don’t have to keep it built all the time, just when you need to do an audio report.

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Me too Ed ! Because with audio you can set the volume, mood, tone, urgency, emotions, feelings into your words versus the words on a page. Audio really adds a lot of LIFE to a story ! The book "War of the Worlds" by HG Wells and then Orson Wells turned it into a Radio Drama and the Radio Drama scared 1000's of people.

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I do think that they have some, but not to the level SAG is stating. Actors can't be allowed a total GET OUT OF JAIL card just because of their job. They must use common sense like everyone else.

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Thanks, Emily for a story that brings all of the important elements of Christmas to the foreground.

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I’m so glad you appreciate what he’s doing as much as I do!

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Emily, you reading to us is like being in the show. I actually prefer it. Sorry for the 🥶 🥶!!

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Rebecca, I appreciate so much this feedback! Though I can't be as fun as the "Golden Bachelor" show from my closet :) I will continue to make these audio versions. Were you able to listen to it on a podcast platform or only online? I'm still figuring it out as I go along...Thanks so much!

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I read the articles and I listen to the audios. Thank you for investing the time to record the audio for us

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I don't know. It goes to my email, and I answer there. I use to be very tech savvy, but I lost it with my TBI.

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After reading your post, I came to the conclusion that he was only after one thing. Not a nice guy. I hope you realized that.

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You're totally wrong.

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I didn't pick this up at all in Emily's written story or in this audio story. Matthew had a "Coach" with him nearby. I really don't think "he was only after one thing". Women have a "SIXTH sense" and pickup if a guy has ulterior motives, pretty quickly.

Seeing someone in the Capitol and asking them out on a date is pretty risky (lots of witnesses) as he didn't know that Emily has many friends (pun intended) and professional contacts in both Print and Electronic journalism. The CNN person Emily was speaking with on the phone, didn't respond in a negative tone or in her words. I don't think he would want to risk losing his credibility, integrity & reputation on a One Night Stand.

There are a LOT of NICE guys out there, who treat women with kindness and respect. We just would like to have a friendship date. Nothing more and Nothing less. Friends !

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Well it was definitely romantic and not professional. It was a date. But we are both single adults and we had a great dinner and great conversation. If he wanted a superficial hookup, he could easily have found a young girl in the bar. He wanted interesting conversation.

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I only wrote what I thought you needed to know. I have now listen to your recording and I can see a guy with a huge ego with allot of problems. I am glad you enjoyed your evening.

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I didn’t get the impression Matthew had a huge ego , at all — that wasn’t conveyed in Emily’s story.

If anything, he was insecure and uncertain and looked to Emily for advice —which is the opposite impression one assumes about celebrities. Emily conveyed that despite being a celebrity, he was a normal guy/man with uncertainties/doubts.

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Kathleen, I appreciate so much your jumping in here. He was painfully insecure and I can't figure out how anyone who read my story or listened to the audio would think that he had a big ego at all.

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People are surprising. You were quite clear/explicit.

People often misinterpret , e.g., Trump. Folks are always calling into Washington Journal talking about what Trump said, as if, they properly understood his intentions.

Poor Matthew — it was big of you to be so nice and accommodating . Now that he is gone, you probably look back and think too bad he didn’t find someone in his life to fill his void, if another person can fill someone’s hole. Just think: one can have everything (presumably) and still feel empty/inadequate. I think of many of the housewives on the reality show — they bicker and fight over such petty things. Do they do that merely for ratings or are they that insecure.

I’ve often felt disappointed when I met famous people — we have such expectations, yet they are mere mortals.

And I know how disappointing it is when someone misunderstands/misconstrues something one is trying to convey — you were quite clear, Emily.

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