Apr 9, 2021Liked by Emily Miller


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Good article, Emily. As long as the leftist media keep pushing their fear agenda I don’t think the sheep will get over their fears. I ask people when they scold me for not wearing a mask, “do you believe in the Magic of the mask”? They’ll typically still try top turn around the conversation to me not wearing a mask versus their belief the mask will somehow save them. As long as Senile Joe is “in power” nothing about the fear-mongering will change. As for your photo above, I’m guessing it was a preface (no pun intended 😉) to Hahn’s screwup. I’m so tired of the trite goofiness from the media accompanying the virus info. Our local TV station, before cutting to a break [“The news is the empty space between the commercials”], will have the chirpy newsreader talk about the cute China virus daily statistics chart that flashes up on the side of the screen - as if it were a weather report. It’s just so annoying.

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How about a story on the response of our Federal Government to the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. Regardless if the release of the virus was intentionally or not the actions of the Chinese Communist Party were an act of War.

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Let’s look at masks. We recently published update number 8 of our Covid-19 guideline. We being the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine published by MDGuidelines. Our clinical practice guidelines are widely considered the gold-standard in occupational health. With over 800 international citations, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of masks as a means to stop transmission of Covid. Though we recommend masking the guidelines’ level of confidence in the efficacy of masking is low. Why? I’ve never seen a public health issue so politicized, but I’ll leave for you to further explore Emily. Here’s a link to the complete ACOEM guideline for you and your subscribers. Please feel free to share. Hope it helps. Heaven help us all!


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An excellent article. I had a moment of pause when I thought for a moment Emily, about your depth of knowledge across so many contemporary issues... just amazing. There is so much here. I have to read The Annals Of Internal Medicine to better understand your article.

I’ve attempted to delve into questions about why COV19 is perceived differently from the SARS epidemic or the Avian Flu? Is COV-19 really more lethal, are the vaccines a real solution or a placebo? I think vaccines are real. It is remarkable that a mRNA vaccine was developed within a year, right? I think people don’t fully understand the enormity of that accomplishment. The people the world over really need to be so grateful to the Trump administration for gearing up our BioMedical engine that fast. (Americans are awesome)

But Millions die from the flu every year, the flu vaccine is what? 50% 60% effective? But we get our flu shot then walk around feeling protected. Should we regard COV19 as we do the flu, I know the viruses are different entities, but why does COV19 bring us to a stop while the flu does not? I could go on and on, but I’m just letting my questions and thoughts flow on...sorry.

I have so many questions, but haven’t yet been able get passed the initial ‘I don’t know what I don’t know, so I don’t know what to say, except ‘yes, this!’

Anyway, I really appreciate the article and an opportunity to share my thoughts.



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I keep coming back to the thought that covid molecules and scent molecules are roughly the same size, think about that the next time you smell something with your " government mandated" mask to stop the spread

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One of the problems is that the CDC, WHO, etc have provided conflicting information over the months since this whole thing started and I think people are just playing it safe and not sure what to believe.

I learned to be a hand-washer in my previous career when I worked in an office, and I would see people come out of bathroom stalls and never wash their hands. I would get sick 4 or 5 times each winter until I started washing my hands often during the work day. Once I started that routine I'd get sick maybe once each winter.

Using other people's desk phones, keyboards, mice, etc., which I had to do often to help troubleshoot problems, had me conscious of what I touched.

After I became a police officer and saw things on a daily basis that would make your stomach turn, I made it a habit to always try to have gloves on whenever I had to touch someone or anticipated that I might have to.

So for me, it's not necessarily Covid I'm worried about - it's everything else. It's just now I have a way to blend in with the crowd, lol. So yes, when I go to BJ's and someone at the entrance offers me a disinfectant wipe to clean the shopping cart handle with, I take it and use it.

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