Poll: Will Republicans win the midterm elections?
UPDATE on why Donald Trump is still president at the White House Vistor's Center and not Joe Biden, plus Pelosi packing her boxes
Four things for this Friday before the exciting midterm elections….
1. Election Prediction Poll:
We have a new poll feature on Substack, so let’s try it… There is so much riding on whether there will be a red wave against Joe Biden’s presidency, but nothing is certain. What do you think will happen? Use this poll to answer:
I almost always vote on Election Day because I think it’s more fun, but I know many of you have already done early voting. Do you vote early or on Election Day?
2. — Update on Trump is still president
I have gotten enormous feedback from people who watched my YouTube video report on why Donald Trump is still listed as president at the White House Visitor’s Center. I don’t have a big following on Instagram, but this short reel video I did on the topic has gotten over 50,000 views.
Since I posted that story about the National Park Service saying the delay was because they have to take out the whole wall to add Biden, I have been trying to get an official response from their media relations on when it will happen and what is the normal time frame.
A spokesman replied on Oct. 12 in part, “We are working on your request and a member of the Office of Communications will contact you directly.” But they haven’t responded to any of my follow-up emails.
So I decided to go back to the visitor’s center and check the wall myself. I got two of the questions answered — listed below — which gives a new reason for this long delay.
You can watch my report on YouTube below. Paid subscribers, I give you the answer below the paywall.
These are the questions — that came from your comments and others on the videos— that I have sent to the National Park Service public affairs office:
Why does the entire presidents' wall display have to be removed to update it instead of just the panel on the right?
What date was Pres Trump put on the board?
What date was Pres. Obama given an end date on the board?
What date was Pres. Obama put on the board?
What is the expected date for the board to be taken out to be updated?
What is the history of this wall display? When was it created? Was it somewhere else before it was installed at the visitor's center?
3- Hiking, Alec Baldwin criminal charges, Marine Corps marathon medals and Princess Grace of Monaco
What do all these things have in common? I made videos about them and didn’t tell you.
I’m never sure if Substack subscribers want me to email when I have made a new video on YouTube. I am especially unsure when the topic is not about politics. For now, I just posted them all below to watch if you're interested.
So, one last quick final poll to help me know whether you want me to email (or notify on the app) every time I make a new video on YouTube or only when it is part of a written report on Substack. Pick one: