Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller

Permanent DST means that elementary school kids start their first class in the dark in the fall/winter. No thank you. I favor sticking to standard time year round.

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Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller

I loathe changing the clocks twice a year. Spring is the harder change. It also seems like kids get more colds right after the spring change because they are so tired and run down.

Lock. The. Clock.

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I agree with the doctor. There is a reason that it was Standard Time. We naturally function at that time.

This back and forth is beyond stupid, and makes people cranky.

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I would simply prefer that the clocks be "locked" and then stick to the choice. Every time we do this time change it completely disrupts my body. These pernicious pinheads known by various names desiring to remove moral conscience from the equation and impose authoritarian ways upon us already disrupt my desperately desired peace for myself. Not sticking to permanent daylight Savings time or permanent standard time continues to be a folly, especially since the money savings on energy is null for all purposes. As it is, I compelled myself to skip church this morning so my broken corpus may adjust to the disruptions of the rhythm. That being said, I reject the swill being served by the progressive terrorists

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Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller

Daylight at 4:30 am? Dark at 8pm at the latest? No. I don't care what kind of neuroscience someone touts.

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Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller

This issue shows how crazy humans are. Most that answer don’t even know what the issue is about. Heart Attacks, Stress!!! We have the internet now. No need to have natural light to drive the horse wagon.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller


I think you are exaggerating Dr. Huberman's point. At least based on the written excerpts from that podcast (life is waaasaay too short to listen to talking heads) his main concern is the one we all share - - that the transition is very upsetting to our established rhythms.

Beyond that, any argument that our current standard time is better than our current daylight time for a fixed non-moving standard is internally incoherent - - such an argument is really an argument for local solar noon-based time everywhere.

Consider: our time zones are nominally one hour wide, so people living at opposite edges of a time zone are already an hour apart in astronomical terms even though their clocks are set the same, and people living immediately adjacent to the boundary on either side have identical astronomical times but their clocks are an hour apart.

And of course, local solar noon-based time everywhere is pretty incompatible with any kind of technological society.

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Mar 10Liked by Emily Miller

Oh wow I love this topic. It’s because of you that I recognize it’s daylight saving time “. I just wish we could stop changing the time. Stick to one. I feel the standard time may be best . Also I am so intrigued about the sunglasses. My eye doctor recommends them due to my age and the beginning of cataracts.

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It doesn’t matter to me, my sleep cycle is messed up anyway. I don’t mind changing the clocks, besides Congress can’t even agree on the budget. So what’s the difference?

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