Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Daylight Saving Time is another example of government manipulation of an item NOT Constitutionally authorized. The rest of the world is on one time clock, so we would be simplifying travel and commerce and communications everywhere. Having one mathematical calculation for the determination of what time it is, the sun's position around the earth, without having to then determine what legal manipulation of the calculation applies to a GPS location, would seem both logical and conservative.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

This is completely ridiculous and has been for YEARS... Pick a freaking time and stick with it... The toll on humans and animals is real while our bodies readjust over the next 2 to 4 weeks... This issue is a prime example of how malevolent our government can be to its citizens...

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Emily, thanks for asking us - my answer is based on where I grew up in upstate New York, in the sticks, walking to the schoolbus stop every weekday at 7:05 a.m. and waiting there with the other kids. Every year in Fall when the daylight hours shorten in wintertime, we have to make a decision whether to both start and end our workdays in darkness or else choose one and shift the time: mornings or evenings for more light. It's safer for school children everywhere in the Northern latitudes to have this shift to the mornings. The school run begins so early, and almost every year, tragically, we can read about some child run down in the darkness in a traffic accident, walking along the road on their way to the bus stop before we switch over. In fact, I think we should switch over sooner! Yet >> there is a way to fix everything: have your precious DST forever and have light for school children's commute: start school (and end it) an hour later. If these two were both offered in a bill together they would make great sense and keep kids safe. Otherwise, DST alone is almost certain to cause far more accidents in the morning darkness of wintertime. It won't even be twilight, it will be pitch black with millions of schoolkids walking along the roads.

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I'm surprised how close the vote it for who is to blame for Daylight Saving Time. I'm keeping voting open for three days total.

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I want to start a grassroots campaign to push Congress to pass the Sunshine Protection Act. Any ideas how we do it ?

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

I do not see the need to push summer sunsets out to 11 p.m. Standard time works better for southern states, and daylight time just does not benefit us up north enough to deal with the semi annual confusion of clock changing.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Standard Time is natural time. it aligns with the movement of the sun. noon is the highest part of the sun

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

I couldn’t care less which time, just stick with one. This issue is a perfect example of “Some folks just want to argue, just for the sake of an argument”

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Well, you and I are definitely at the opposite ends of THIS spectrum - even have a pinned Substack discussing why 😁 I firmly do NOT want DST - keep it 'standard,' keep it natural...

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Easy solution - just change it by a half an hour and call it good, forever. Nepal time is off by 30 mins from the rest of the world, and it’s not that big of a deal for them.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

I picked "Standard" because I've lived the Standard Life for the last 9 years as a resident of Arizona.

OK, not much of a reason, because we kinda end up with other issues that result from the rest of y'all bouncing back and forth: Cable and satellite programming bounce with y'all, and all of our out-of-state family and friends are either "our" time or an hour later. I've taken to calling it Mountain Time in the winter and California Time the rest of the year. Really, there is a hell of a lot more brainpower expended by needing to remember that the latest "Housewives" episode is at 6PM - or is it 7?

If I were being totally honest, I'd have to say as one of the lone holdouts in the country, "The A-Z "(Yep, there are people who call it that down here) would need to be the ones who make a major shift in time. Frankly, I'm not sure we could handle it. Being "set in their ways" is a religion down here. Folks don't make major life changes easily or willingly. On the other hand, we've seen so many refugees from California that we're likely to have a mini Civil War over the time problem. Those damn Californicators try to turn every place they migrate to into what they just left. They're crazy, period.

Well, anyway. I guess the preference of one state out of fifty isn't going to slow the wheels of progress. Not if we can finally see "Housewives" at the same time year-round....

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Standard Time suits me fine. Don't be silly framing this as "sunny" versus "dark." This is testimony to how DST appeals to childish thinkers. If you must know, Standard Time is proven better for health and safety. At this time of year, children going to school (waiting for the bus) in the dark morning (the true dark aspect of DST) is unsafe, especially in these crazy times. DST was always meant to be a temporary wartime measure. Arizona got it right in preserving Standard Time; the rest of the country needs to follow. Also, simply respect nature and the change of the seasons, culminating in the Winter Solstice, i.e. longest night/shortest day followed by the gradual return of light. Honestly, it amazes me how Congress and selfish individuals think they can manipulate Nature to their convenience. Just go with the flow, the Standard Time flow....The U.S. is being stupid about it.

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Good morning. Since I live near Boston, I'd like to be in the Atlantic Time Zone with no seasonal shifts. When we revert to Standard time in the fall, full dark starts about 1600 or even earlier. This is the only wart to living out my way. Of course, Alaska has it crazier because this time of year they have more dark hours than light. That being said, since Thanksgiving and Christmas are near, I would like to try some German hot mulled wine they call gluhwein.

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Mar 5Liked by Emily Miller

From my opinion that I just want time remain unchanged, so there is no need to make the poll for do you want Standard time or daylight saving time. I am a little be surprise that why citizen got blame to this? We all vote and select the person to represent us to make the law. It just excuse game from no doing on time.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Emily Miller

Lighter later, please.

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****Polls are closed. Overwhelming vote to stop Daylight Savings Time and strong majority to stay on DST. The blame goes to the House, slightly more than disengaged citizens. ****

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